This is the patch from Profiles October, 1985 Q&A section. It will patch Perfect Filer so the program will function until the year 2000. The patch was sent in to PROFILES magazine by a reader and has not been debugged by Kaypro for compatability in all situations in which PERFECT FILER is used. PERFECT FILER V1.2 To perform the patch, put your CP/M disk is drive A and a copy of your PERFECT FILER disk in drive B, then type DDT B:SETUP. When the program has loaded and the "-" prompt is on the screen, type S0715. DDT will display the value in that location to be 58. Type 63 and press RETURN. Next type a period and press RETURN again. Now Enter a Control-C and you will return to the operating system. Immediatley type SAVE 16 B:SETUP. Now Perfect Filer will be useful the rest of this century.