INSTRUCTIONS ~~~~~~~~~~~~ KAYAK RACE is a game for two players. The object is to paddle a boat across 19 miles of open water, contending with wind, current, and hazards, and to arrive first at a designated landing on the opposite shore. The current floods from west to east and ebbs the opposite way. At the beginning of the game a table of currents is displayed, with the times when the tide turns (slack water) and when it reaches its maximum flow. The rate of maximum flow, in knots (nautical miles per hour), is also shown. The last part of the course is considered to be a sheltered bay. A winner will be declared by the computer when either kayak comes within 2 miles of the landing. Strike any key to continue. At the beginning of each round of play a chart is displayed, showing a portion of the course with the following symbols: ------- sea in light airs O Player 1's kayak ~~~~~~~ sea in moderate winds 8 Player 2's kayak ^^^^^^^ sea in strong winds & both kayaks @@@@@@@ tide-rip $ freighter ??????? fog * rocks ""\_/"" landing ! beacon The computer keeps a very precise record of each boat's position, but this is necessarily rounded off for purposes of display. Boats shown together on the chart may actually be a mile or more apart. Rocks are a hazard to navigation only during strong winds or in currents of 2.5 knots or more. Tide-rips are extremely dangerous. A strong wind pushes the boats at a speed of 1 knot, a moderate wind half as much. Strike any key to continue. Movement is simultaneous. In each turn the players type a paddling speed and a course for the next half-hour. (Backspace over errors; execute with RETURN or ENTER.) The current and wind in effect at the beginning of a round prevail for the rest of the round. For example, if it is slack water at 1100 hours, the motion of the boats from 1100 to 1130 will not be affected by current. Normal paddling speed is 3 knots. Each player has enough stamina to 'sprint' three times at 4 knots. The goal is due south of the beacon (!), N but for purposes of the game this bearing -90 + 90 is 0 degrees, while due west is -90 degrees 0 and due east is 90 degrees. Note that to offset a minus or ebb current you must enter <<< ebb a positive bearing, while to offset a flood current you must enter a negative one. >>> flood Strike H to review the rules, any other key to play.