ÃArrow 1.3 01/21/85 by Jeffrey P. Semel $ARROW is a utility for changing the Kaypro CP/M arrow key definitions. There are two commands, or ways of invoking ARROW. A>arrow /f ;installs CP/M 2.2F arrow keys, which are Perfect ----- -- ; Software compatible (^P, ^N, ^B, ^F). A>arrow /g ;installs CP/M 2.2G arrow keys, which are ----- -- ; WordStar compatible (^E, ^X, ^S, ^D). $ Your arrow keys are now set to $WordStar cursor controls. $Perfect Software cursor controls. $ Í*1":€·Ê0:‚þ/Â0:ƒþFÊbþGÊ9 3ÍÉ*åÑ>>>>>  Í ÂÍÉ*åÑ>>>>>  Í ÞÍÉ